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ISO/IEC 42001:2023 outlines the requirements for establishing a reliable AI management system within an organization, covering aspects like risk management, assessment of AI system impacts, management throughout the system lifecycle, data handling for AI systems, and engagement with third-party suppliers.

Evolution Academy’s eTraining platform delivers a complete awareness training solution to organizations, regardless of their staff size and business hierarchy.  Course materials and quiz are designed in an easy-to-access format to all staff, while reports of the overall results would be available for management and internal audit teams.



Upon completion of the course, the trainee would:

•      Understand the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and its applications

•       Identify potential risks and challenges associated with AI technologies

•       Learn best practices for integrating AI systems into existing workflows



•       What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

•       Adoption of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)

•       Role related to AI system

•       Structure of ISO/IEC 42001:2023

•       Annex A - Controls of AIMS

•       Quiz

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